Fondly called our “Branddaddy,” Steve is the master of all things brand development, identity and design. He works across all client verticals at Brighton as our Brand Identity Lead, though he often guest stars as a Creative Director or Designer, too. Steve started his career at Paradowski Creative working with MetroLink, Citi Mortgage, Sheldon Concert Hall and Barnes-Jewish/Christian Healthcare. However, it was his vast knowledge of Bayer and its respective brands that led him to Brighton in 2012, where he continues his work with the growing Bayer brands — Roundup, DEKALB, Roundup Ready Xtend Crop System and Regional Brands — as well as Phibro Animal Health, MilliporeSigma, BCD Travel and others. Steve was especially instrumental in creating Brighton’s proprietary Brand Dimension™ process, which aligns clients to a solid brand foundation and revolves around building a cohesive mission, purpose, belief system, pillar structure, position statement, promise, tone and personality for the brand.
Steve’s impressive camera collection isn’t just for show; he’s an avid photographer with an extensive portfolio. But cameras aren’t all that he collects; Coca-Cola signs, art posters and fedoras are just a few of his favorite things. If only we could get American Pickers as a client.